Dear New York,

They tell me you never sleep. But if you never sleep, how can you ever dream? And if you never dream, how can you ever change? If only the extremely wise and ignorant never change, which one are you, new york?  Do only the extremely wise and ignorant never dream?

Take a rest new york and sleep. Recover of your impressive string of tequila-rich booze-filled all-nighters. And while you sleep, dream of what could and couldn't be. Dream of a future that isn't necessarily possible. Dream big like one of your citizens preached while invading your personal space. Or dream small, new york. But dream. If you never dream, you never stand still and never see where you're heading.


Please, for a moment, stand still and enjoy. Only the grateful are happy, a friend of a friend once told me. And while you dream, let me sleep too, please.


Give me a break, new york, and let me recharge for a second! You've depleted not only my limitless energy but also the limited content of my wallet. You've made me consume things I didn't know I could. Give us a rest NY, and chill. And would you please give us either time or money? Preferably the one we don't have because your unwritten law is that if you have plenty of one, you have zero of the other.


Now brush your teeth and go to bed, darling. It's time you slept, for once!